VideoViewer Overview
Main Features
Playback video from an HDMI video source or WebCam
Audio can be heard the speaker or when connected to AirPods / Bluetooth headphones. Manual selection of the Audio output source
Picture In Picture
Select the Picture in Picture icon (second icon from the left and the video will display in a separate window. You can then minimize the main VideoViewer Pro window and display the video and hear the sound while using other Apps.
Multi-tasking modes, Split View, Slide Over and Stage Manager are all fully supported.
Record Video and Save to Photos
The video input can recorded and saved to the Photos App. Snapshots can also be taken of the video and saved to the Photos App
Each device type connected can be configured independently. Settings include
Camera Name
Mute State
Camera Resolution
Camera Frame Rate
Camera Mirroring On / Off
Camera Rotation - 0, 90, 18 and 270 degrees
Play Video content stored locally in the VideoViewer Pro Files Folder (On My iPad)
Play Video Stored in the Photos App
Select to Record Video to either Photos or Local
Scrub Video with thumbnails
Manage Local Video and locally rename
Share Video (Local Video Only)
Select Audio Output Source and Volume