Video Playback Activity
The Video Activity allows you to add and play a video on a slide. To add a Video to a Slide select Video from the Add Activity menu. Each slide can contain up to one video. Videos may be selected from the a Web URL, YouTube, the Photos App Library or the Files App storage area.
Selecting the Video Source for the Slide.
Web URL - Enter in the URL for the Web Video
YouTube - Enter in the YouTube Video Identifier by copying from the Share option of the video. Example or just oDj9l3vj1sw
Select a video from the Photos Library.
Select a video from the File App
Video selected positioned and resized.
Depending on the video type, one more of the below values and settings will be available
URL / Edit Button - For Web URL and YouTube a text box is displayed to allow entering the video details, Tap Edit to change the URL.
Play / Pause button - Allow playing / previewing the video
Update Thumbnail button - While video is previewing, tapping will generate the video thumbnail.
Flip Thumbnail - Depending on how the video was shot, some thumbnails may displayed upside down. Turning this on before generating the thumbnail will flip the thumbnail right side up. Used for Photos or Files.
Mute Video Audio - Allow muting the video’s audio during playback.
Repeat Playback - Video will repeat until the slide is advanced. Not available for Advance Type - “Activity Complete”
Total Length - Length of the video. For some video types the length is only available after the thumbnail is created.
File Size - Size of the video stored locally from Photos or Files.