Text Tags
Text Tags is a powerful feature that allows assigning Tags in Labels and MultiPage Labels that is replaced to a predefined value. There are three levels of Text Tags
Defining Text Tags
Predefined - These are Global values that can not be directly changed but are assigned based on values configured for the event settings (see image below) - Event Name, Event Type, Event Start Time, Event Duration, Event Location Event Group and Event Note. And there are also Slide specific values for Slide Name and Slide Number,
This dialog is available by Tapping on the Main Menu and selecting Edit Event Details
User Defined - These tags are available for All events, with the option to override the value for the current event. Some examples of Useful Tags are Company Name, Office Address, Phone Number or any value that is used across events. Examples of Override values could be for a Podcast Name where the Text tag is used in a Template Event and a value is set to remind to replace with the correct value (see below).
The Tag Editor can be accessed while in the Slide editor, select Edit Text Tags from the Context meant on the left
The Left Tab display the list of user defined tag, tap on an existing entry to edit or select the ‘+’ button to add a new Text Tag. The tag list displays the Name and the current value.
Tag Name - This is a name of the Tag, it should be unique within the User Defined Tags and the Event Tags
User Defined Tag Value - The Value you would like to substitute the Text Tag
Event Override - The User Defined Tag Value can be overridden for the current event to use a “local value”
Example of overriding a new User Defined Text Tag that has an overridden value.
Event Defined - Are very similar to User Defined Text tags, but they are only available for the current Event.
Using Text Tags
Text Tags are available for General Labels and MultiPage Labels.
After removing the previous hard coded text, tapping on the dialog displays the context menu, tap on the “Add Text Tag” menu.
The Text popup dialog displays with the option to select from predefined, User Defined or Event Defined Tags.
The Text Tag is added to the text and is highlighted as blue. Additionally, text may be manually entered along with additional Text Tags. Below is the Tag replacement for the previously hard coded Text “Board of Directors Meeting”
Text tags have some limitations you want to consider:
If a tag is deleted and is still referenced by a Slide a warning text is displayed indicating the tag is invalid
Using Copy the Activity, Copy Slide to Share or use in an Ad Hoc Event may not have access to a Event Defined Text tag and may display an warning text since the value is not available in another Event.
If you you Export an Event the User Defined Tags that have an overridden value is copied and created as an Event Defined Text Tag.