Task Managerment Overview
Task Management is a convenience feature that allows you to associate various tasks with an event. The task can optionally send you a notification to remind you at the appointed time.
Task List
Add Task - Tapping the plus button displays the “Add Task” dialog
Tapping the “Edit” button allows selecting one or more tasks to delete.
Tapping on an individual row displays the task in the popup dialog to edit the task information.
Tap the circle on the left of an individual task row to toggle the task between complete and incomplete.
On the left side of the navigation bar is the Filter / Sort / Group selector. Tapping on this item displays a popup that allows updating the filtering, sorting and grouping of the task list.
Task Details
Title - the description summary explaining the tasks purpose
Category - associating a category in relation to the type of task to be performed
Date Offset - Allows selecting how you want the due date to be represented
Exact Date - The actual date and time the task is to be completed by. ((see above)
Days Before - The number of days before the Event Date the task is to be completed by. (see below*)
Days After - The number of days after the Event Date the task is to be completed by. (see below*)
Priority - Task importance level
Effort - Number of hours task will take
Enable Notification - Enable / Disable whether a notification will be sent when the task is due
Event - The Event the Task belongs to. To move the task between event change the Event selection.
Description - Free form text describing details for the tasks
Group - User defined arbitrary group name to allow multiple tasks to be grouped together.
Delete Task - Button allowing deletion of the task. When adding a task this button is not available, to effectively delete a new task tap cancel.
*Note: with Days Before or Days After selected the user interfaces updates to allow selection of the number of days to be offset from the Event date, and the time on the offset date.
Filtering, Sorting and Grouping
Filtering allows hiding tasks that you do not wish to view. On the left side of the navigation bar is the Filter / Sort / Group selector. Tapping on this item displays a popup that allow updating the filtering, sorting and grouping of the task list.
The general filtering allows displaying All Tasks, Incomplete, Completed, High Priority, No Due Date and Over Due Tasks.
Enabling the All Events On / Off Switch will display Tasks for All Event in the Task List
Tasks that are not a part of the currently loaded Events have the Event named highlighted in yellow. For all Tasks viewed in the Task List, the badge on the tab indicates the number of overdue tasks for the current filter and a red date indicates an overdue task or a task missing due date.
Tasks may be sorted by Title, Category, Status, Priority, Effort, Due Date, Group or Event.
Tasks may have No Grouping, or be grouped by Status, Priority, Category, Due Date, Group or Event
Grouping All Tasks for All Events by the Event.