Remote Control Overview
The remote control feature in DirectorStudio allows an iPhone running the DirectorStudio App to control the presentation.
To enable the remote control open the Preferences dialog from the Main menu.
Slide the Enable Remote Control On / Off Switch to the on position
The Remote PIN should be available, Tap the button to generate a new PIN
On the iPhone ( See Below)
Tap the main Menu button
Select “Enter Remote PIN”
In the PIN dialog enter the same four digit that was entered into in DirectorStudio on the iPad.
The sliding thumbnail of Slide Activities and the remote control buttons will be come available. The controls match the capabilities of the Event Playback Panel
Tap the Tab control to switch between The Ordered Slide Activities and the Ad Hoc Slide Activities.
Slide Border Colors - During a Presentation
Dark Gray - Not Selected
Red - Current Slide Activity
Green - Next Slide Activity
Yellow - An Adhoc Slide Activity is active, this Slide Activity was previously designated as the Next Slide Activity
Tapping a Slide Activity with a red border - no effect
Tapping a Slide Activity with a green border - Causes the Slide Activity to become immediately active
Tapping a Slide Activity with a dark gray border
If the current slide has its Slide Advance set to a non Manual setting, the Slide border will turn green indicating that it is the newly designated Next Slide Activity
If current slide has its Slide Advance set to a Manual setting, the Slide border will turn yellow indicating that it will become active if it is tapped a second time
Tapping a Slide Activity with a yellow border - Causes the Slide Activity to become immediately active
Slide Border Colors - Presentation is not playing
Green - First Slide of the presentation
Note there is no editing of activities on the remote.
Remote Control Buttons
Play / Pause - Begin the presentation and then toggle between pausing and playing during the presentation.
Stop - Stops the presentation playback.
Previous Activity Slide - Moves to the previous slide - Not available if paused
Next Activity Slide - Moves to the next slide - Not available if paused
Mute / Unmute Audio - Toggles muting Background and Activity Audio Activities. Does not effect Spoke Word playback. To halt Spoke words please pause the Event.
Toggle Full Screen - Allow displaying the Monitor Display as full screens full screen hiding all the other panels. This is useful when presenting directly from the iPad.
Toggle Enabling Activity Slide transitions - Allows disabling all transitions during a presentation. This could be helpful when displaying the iPad display directly for a video call.