Ordered Actvity Pane


The Ordered Activity displays all the eligible Slide Activities for the presentation. A Slide Activity is eligible if it is enabled and has no errors. Ineligible slides are hidden and may be accessed for modification on the Activities Tab. During the event the thumbnails may reposition to keep the currently active Slide Activity visible.

IMG_1131 Cropped.PNG

Slide Border Colors - During a Presentation

  • Dark Gray - Not Selected

  • Red - Current Slide Activity

  • Green - Next Slide Activity

  • Yellow - An Adhoc Slide Activity is active, this Slide Activity was previously designated as the Next Slide Activity

Icons - The Icons are indicators for settings the slide (Not all icons are visible in the graphic above)

  • Slide Type

  • Enabled Status

  • Spoken Word

  • Background and / or Activity Audio

  • Transition Type

  • Perform Upon Completion


  • Tapping a Slide Activity with a red border - no effect

  • Tapping a Slide Activity with a green border - Causes the Slide Activity to become immediately active

  • Tapping a Slide Activity with a dark gray border

    • If the current slide has its Slide Advance set to a non Manual setting, the Slide border will turn green indicating that it is the newly designated Next Slide Activity

    • If current slide has its Slide Advance set to a Manual setting, the Slide border will turn yellow indicating that it will become active if it is tapped a second time

  • Tapping a Slide Activity with a yellow border - Causes the Slide Activity to become immediately active

Slide Border Colors - Presentation is not playing

  • Green - First Slide of the presentation

  • Blue - Current slide being edited.

Editing Slides while on the Monitor Tab

Edit panel displayed on 12.9 iPad Pro

Edit panel displayed on 12.9 iPad Pro

While not playing a presentation, tapping on an Ordered or Ad Hoc Activity will cause a new panel to display obscuring the right portion of the monitor display. All of the fields from the Activities Tab editor are available to be modified. Tapping outside of the edit panel dismisses the edit panel and returns to the Monitor.