Image Activity

The Image Activity allows you to add Images to a slide. With the Content Tab selected tap the Add button and chose “Add Image“. An image placeholder will be added to the Slide.

Error bubbles display at several levels pointing to the location an error has occurred.  In this case the error is no image has been selected.

Error bubbles display at several levels pointing to the location an error has occurred. In this case the error is no image has been selected.

Selecting and Image Source and then tapping the Select Image button will display the image selection dialog for the source.

Selecting and Image Source and then tapping the Select Image button will display the image selection dialog for the source.

Selecting the image from the Files selection dialog

Selecting the image from the Files selection dialog

Selected image, positioned and resized

Selected image, positioned and resized

Blur is available to display a blurred version of the background, including an image to give a more abstract background.  In addition to omitting the blur (None), there are three levels on varying intensity.