Event Status Pane
The Event Status Panel give a variety of useful information during the Event Presentation.
Status Text: This text is automatically updated to
The Current Time
Event Time - The duration the event of the presentation. Event time estimate for the slides that are of fixed length.
Activity Time - The duration the current Slide Activity has been active. Estimated time for the activity.
Activities - The current Slide Activity and the total number of enabled Slide Activities in the presentation. Also the count for sub-slides if needed.
Presentation Status - Displays a variety of information for the presentation status such as running, not running or paused, if a manual action must be taken for the event to continue, if the audio is muted.
Status Lights - Heads-Up Display of key environmental status. Red indicates the feature is not available or inactive, green indicates it is active.
Network Available
Monitor is connected
ATEM Mini is connected - only available for subscribers
UVC is connected - only available for subscribers
HomeKit is available
Guided Access in enabled
Remote Control from iPhone is enabled / connected
Connected to power for charging.