Event Status Pane


The Event Status Panel give a variety of useful information during the Event Presentation.

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Status Text: This text is automatically updated to

  1. The Current Time

  2. Event Time - The duration the event of the presentation. Event time estimate for the slides that are of fixed length.

  3. Activity Time - The duration the current Slide Activity has been active. Estimated time for the activity.

  4. Activities - The current Slide Activity and the total number of enabled Slide Activities in the presentation. Also the count for sub-slides if needed.

  5. Presentation Status - Displays a variety of information for the presentation status such as running, not running or paused, if a manual action must be taken for the event to continue, if the audio is muted.

Status Lights - Heads-Up Display of key environmental status. Red indicates the feature is not available or inactive, green indicates it is active.

  1. Network Available

  2. Monitor is connected

  3. ATEM Mini is connected - only available for subscribers

  4. UVC is connected - only available for subscribers

  5. HomeKit is available

  6. Guided Access in enabled

  7. Remote Control from iPhone is enabled / connected

  8. Connected to power for charging.