Event Management
An Event is one of the core concepts for DirectorStudio. Events are the combination of the visual, audio and action slide activities that are the content to be presented to your audience. An Event is the starting place for your multimedia presentation.
Event Management List
The Event Management List displays a summary of the Event, highlighting in red important status values. Select an Event by tapping on the row. An Event may be deleted by sliding the row from right to left and tapping the delete button.
Event Management List
Filtering, Sorting and Grouping
The Event Management List may be filtered, sorted and grouped by selecting the button on the left side of the navigation bar. A popup window is displayed and selecting a tab allows selecting the option for filtering, sorting and grouping. Once selected the List is updated.
Caution: Filtering may hide an Event in the list. Be sure to check the filtering if an event is missing. The Status bar at the bottom of the screen informs you of the number of Events and also the currently selected filter.
Filter, Sort, Group Popup
Adding Events
To add a new Event Presentation, tap the ‘+’ button on the Event Management List Dialog.
Choose a Theme
Selecting a theme includes the background colors or image along with the fonts you wish to use for the Event Presentation. Later, while editing an Event, you can mix and match the backgrounds with different fonts.
Event Details
In the Event Details Dialog, complete the form and tap the Save button, this will save and open the event. The Event details may be modified by selecting the “Edit Event Details” selection in the Main Menu while editing an Event.
Event Name - Name describing the event
Created - Date and time the event was created
Completed - Indicator if the event has been completed
Include as Template - Selecting allows copying the slides to be used as the template or starting point for a a new Event Presentation.
Event Type - Category of the event, Recording, Live Stream, etc.
Copy From Template - When adding an Event Presentation, all existing Event Presentations that have the flag “Include as Template” turned on will be listed and the slides in those Events are copied into the newly added Event.
Start Time - Time event is scheduled to begin
Duration - Approximate time the event will take
Location - Place the event will take place
Group - User defined arbitrary group name to allow having multiple events grouped together.
Notes - Free form text describing details for the event
Event Details Dialog
Also note: Many of the values in the Event Details can be used as a Text Tag on a slide. Text Tags allows for including the Event Name, Start Time, Location, etc. as a text label of Slide.
Flagging an Event as “Include as Template” indicates that the Event is being created as a template with content that can be used in other Event. This is great for Podcast, seminars and recurring meetinga and allows quickly creating a new Event with much of the content already available.
Event List Context menu
The Context Menu button (far right on the Navigation bar) - Additional actions that may be taken in for the Event List.
Show All Sample Events - Include in the Event List all of the Sample Events provided. When a Sample Event is selected it is automatically downloaded and opened. The Sample Event is opened in a read-only state to give insight into Event creation and capabilities.
Hide All Sample Events - Downloaded events must be manually deleted but Sample Events that are not downloaded can be hidden from the list.
Import an Event - Allows adding a previously exported Event. All images, video and audio files are contained within the event. This also makes it possible to import event from other sources or downloadable samples from OdeonSoftware.com.
Archive Completed Events - All events that are flagged as completed can be exported to the iPad Files storage or to an external drive. This allows you to free up space on your iPad without deleting Events you may want to reference in the future. To access an archived Event, select the Import an Event option and select from the storage location.
With an ATEM Mini configured selecting the ATEM Control button automatically becomes available. ATEM Control button allows directly accessing the ATEM Buttons, Macros and the Control board without first loading an Event. This is convenient if you are using DirectorStudio without the need to present Event content but still wish to interact with the ATEM and other Hardware.
ATEM Control
ATEM Controls with the Customizable Control Board
In addition to controlling the ATEM and the ATEM Macros, the Control Board is available with the custom layout for Action Button and HomeKit Control. Additional Panels are available for controlling the HyperDeck and HomeKit controls.