DirectorStudio Overview

Presentation Imported PNG images from the Apple Keynote App


Director Studio is designed to take your Event Presentations to the Next Level. Create slides within DirectorStudio with a variety of content such as text, images, video or select the live camera feed. Utilizing your favorite software tools such as PowerPoint or Keynote for slides, Ferrite or GarageBand for Audio recordings, Pixelmator Pro, Infinity Photo or Photoshop for images or Luma Fusion, Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premier for Video, DirectorStudio was designed to use standard graphic, audio and video resources to give an enhanced multimedia presentation.

  • Create a new Event. Decide the purpose, content and flow of the presentation.

  • Depending on the Event type add optional background music to all or certain slides.

  • For individual slides add a special audio track of music or voice over. Most slide types also allowing the Siri assistant to read pre-defined text

  • Include in each slide different activities such as text, images or video. Additionally each slide may have different transitions, background colors and many other customizable settings

The presentation can be presented using an External Display or projector or displayed on the iPad itself. Optionally an iPhone can be used as a remote to control the presentation running on the iPad.

In addition to connecting to an External Display, additional hardware interfaces such as the ATEM Mini family of video switches, Febon HDMI / UVC Input device and HomeKit switches may be directly interacted with from within the App. Please see the “Connecting Hardware” section for details. Or visit for comprehensive details on all that DirectorStudio has to offer.

User Interface - Basic Navigation

  • Main Menu - Tapping the button on the left side to the navigation bar will display a sliding menu with a variety of options for interacting with DirectorStudio. The Menu is divided into three sections Event, General and Support.

    • Event

      • Return to Event List - from the Main Menu to create or select a different Event to edit or present

      • Edit Event Details - View or modify Event specific settings

      • Duplicate This Event - Make a copy of the current Event and place it in the Event List.

      • Export This Event - Make a copy of the Event and place it in the Files App. This is allows the Event to be shared, Backed up or Achived.

    • General - various application options such as preferences and convenience features, The general menu may change based on configuration and hardware attached.

    • Support - Help, How-To Videos and application support options.

  • Event Title - The name given the event in the Event details dialog

  • Tab Screen Selection - Allows selecting one of the four screens used to create, manage and present the Event.

    • Slides - Create and edit Event Slide Activities representing the content such as a picture or video, as well as an Action to be performed as the presenting of the Event takes place.

    • Audio - Music, sound effects and spoken dialog to be associated with an Activity.

    • Tasks - Reminder To Dos associated with the Event

    • Monitor - A layout of panels designed to conduct the presentation of the Event

  • Tool Bar Buttons - Application controls available to take based on the screen selected

  • Context Menu - Similar to the Main Menu, the context menu displays a popup menu with options based on the screen and the available options that can be performed

  • Content Area - Based on the selected Screen, the area below the navigation bar that contains the content to interact with.



Selecting the Preferences option of the Main Menu displays the Preferences Dialog

  • HomeKit Home - With HomeKit enabled for DirectorStudio the option to select a specific Home from the list. HomeKit is enabled during initial launch or can be changed in the Apple’s Settings App for DirectorStudio.

  • Disable AutoLock - Disable the standard device lock timeout while DirectorStudio is the active App and under certain conditions as designated below

    • During an Event - The device does not lock while an Event presentation is in progress.

    • Plugged In - The device does not lock while plugged in or During and Event Presentation.

    • Always - Device does not auto lock while DirectorStudio is the active App.

  • Hide UI Elements for Full Screen Monitor - Hides Navigation bar and other User Interface elements when the device monitor is set to full screen

  • Auto Adjust External Monitor - The aspect ration of a monitor must be 16x9 in order to properly display Event content. If the default aspect ration of the monitor is not 16x9 turning the setting to the on position will instruct DirectorStudio to attempt to modify the aspect ration settings for the monitor. Most modern monitors have a 16x9 aspect ratio so in most cases this setting can remain off.

  • Preview Slide when connected to External Monitor - When selected to an external monitor the current slide output can viewed while editing the slide. This can be helpful when collaborating with someone and they are aiding in the slide content or layout.

  • Enable Remote Control - Enabling the settings, allows presentations to be controlled from an iPhone with DirectorStudio installed.

  • Remote Pin (tap to change) - Tapping this button will randomly generate a four digit PIN that is to be used to link an iPhone as the remote control. Note: This setting is only available if “Enable Remote Control“ is on.

  • ATEM 1,2 OR 3 IP Address - The IP address of the ATEM Mini. Multiple ATEMs may be defined to allow different configurations based on location or device. The ATEM may be selected using the Context Menu of the Monitor tab or set via an Action Slide or Command button.

  • ATEM 1,2 OR 3 Enabled - Select to enable ATEM 1 to be active and available. If only one ATEM is enable, no Context Menu option is available.

  • ATEM Control Board - How the Control Board is used by the ATEM

    • Each Separate - Each ATEM Mini gets its own separate Control Board. This is helpful if each ATEM Mini has different Macros available.

    • ATEM 1,2 3 - All ATEM Minis assigned will use the selected ATEM Mini Control Board. Useful if you have One ATEM mini but must have it connected to different networks at different locations.

  • Use All Small Buttons on Control Board - This allows Action and HomeKit Buttons to display as a smaller size to conserve space. ATEM buttons are always small.

  • Hide ATEM Name on Control Board - Turning this setting to On allows hiding the title of the Control Board when connecting to an ATEM Mini. The Control Board on some iPad models may be small and this reclaims space for more buttons.

  • Enable UVC - Placing this switch to the on position allow DirectorStudio to connect to a UVC device whenever one is connected.

  • UVC Connection Type - Indicate how the UVC HDMI input will be used. (This setting is only available when the UVC device is connected)

    • General HDMI - The UVC device is going to be used as an input to display video input from an computer, phone, or other general purpose HDMI

    • Monitor - The output of a video switcher (such as the ATEM Mini) that is used to see the Event.

  • Connect ATEM as Monitor Input - If the UVC Device is connected to an ATEM Mini for monitoring, enabling this setting will add a button on the Monitor toolbar to control the various display options for the ATEM such as Program, Preview, Multi-view, or specific HDMI source. The menu also allows touch control for selecting preview or program for a source, or turning recording or streaming on (if ATEM supports).

  • Spoken Word Voice - Select which voice you would like to have used for speech

  • Current - Indicate the current language in use.

  • Voice Rate - Rate (speed) of the spoken words

  • Voice Pitch - Pitch of the speaker (0 - 3) higher the number higher the pitch.

  • Default Volume - default volume of the speaker

  • Test Text to Speak - Free form text to be used to test the settings

  • Test Speech - button to request Test Text to be spoken.