Editing the Control Board

The Control Board allows creating an array of buttons of varying types Action Buttons, HomeKit Buttons and additional hardware button types such as the ATEM Control or Macro buttons can be added to the Control Board to customize the buttons used anytime, including in the event presentation. See below for examples of editing the control board with Actions and ATEM buttons.

On the main DirectorMonitor Screen select the Edit Control Board icon. If running in a more narrow Slide Over or Split View screen the Edit Control Board item will be available in the Overflow menu on the right of the screen. Note: this screen shot is not displaying the Actual Monitor Window.

Once you have selected the Edit Control Board button the screen will transition to the Editor. Below is a description of the screen elements.

  1. Return to the Main Monitor Display.

  2. Add an Action Button (Only available when the ‘Actions’ tab is selected

  3. Help - Display the Help Screen

  4. Tab Selection select from up to four tabs as configured. The ATEM and Macro Tabs only display if an ATEM Mini is configured and currently available. The HomeKit Tab Only displays if HomeKit is enable.

    1. Action - Manage user defined Actions

    2. ATEM - Add ATEM Command Buttons based on the type of ATEM Mini connected

    3. Macros - Add any Macro Button from 1 - 100, Button that are not configured, but added, will display but not macro action will be performed.

    4. HomeKit - HomeKit button switches.

  5. Action Pane - The layout of defined Action Buttons

  6. An Individual Action Button

  7. The Control Board Layout Panel - This is the layout of the button that will display on the Main Monitor Display

  8. An Action Button on the Control Board Pane - Startup ATEM - Turns on several HomeKit Switches

  9. An ATEM Mini Command Button - COL1 select the Color 1 ATEM Command to display Color 1 as the Program Out

  10. An ATEM Mini Macro Button - Run the ATEM Macro Push UR to perform a transition to push up and right

  11. A HomeKit Button t toggle the ATEM Monitor Button on / off.

Tapping on an Action button display the context menu. Note: Tapping button on the other Selection Tabs do not display a context menu.

  • Edit Button - Displays a Panel that allows Naming, selecting button colors and selecting which Actions the button will execute when pressed.

  • Duplicate Button - Make a new Copy of the selected button, this is hand when creating multiple buttons that have similar Actions

  • Delete Button - Delete the button and the configuration for the button

Tapping a button on the Control Board Layout Panel display the following context menu.

  • Remove button from Board - Removed the button from the board only. If it is an Action button it is not deleted.

  • Toggle End of Row - When selected, this button will always be the last button on a row.The number of buttons of a row is generally 5 but when on an external monitor or with Stage Manager it is possible to have more than 5 buttons on a row. A Blue indicator will display after the button until the end of the row to indicate this setting.

As mentioned above tapping the ‘Add an Action Button’ on the Left Toolbar will add a new button, the first thing to do is to give it a name.

Once the buttons added or by tapping the ‘Edit Button’ of an Existing Button, a narrow panel slides out from the right. Filling out the form configures the button.

  • Name - the name of the Action Button

  • Enable - Allows disabling the button from use but does not hide or delete it.

  • Text Color - The color of the text when enabled

  • Disabled Color - The color of the text when disabled

  • Background Color - The color of the button’s background

  • Defaults Button - Reset Colors to the default values

  • Lock Out Changes - Make the button feature read-only to avoid accidental modifications

  • Confirm Manually Invoke Actions - When the button is pressed enabling the will display a confirmation dialog. This is helpful to prevent the button being accidentally pressed and for instance turning off equipment or any other “harmful action”.

  • Test The buttons Actions - Run the commands as configured to ensure they are operating as intended.

Button Actions - Below the Button Form is the list of individual actions the button is to perform. Tapping the Plus Button will add a new row. Sliding from right to Left will delete the action entry and display the standard delete row indicator confirmation. Tap and Hold on a row will “Lift” the row up, allowing the row to be moved to a new location in the list of actions. Tapping the entry will display a popup selector.

Action Types - The Type of Action to be taken

  • Commands

    • Select an ATEM - Select another ATEM if more than one is configured. If the selected ATEM has a different Control board selected the Control board will also switch.

    • Add Pause - adds a pause in seconds before any subsequent action rows are executed.

  • HomeKit Commands - Turn HomeKit switches On, Off or Toggle On/Off

  • Shortcuts - Execute a short for the name entered. When executing the Shortcut app is launched. Either the shortcut must select to return to DirectorMonitor or the user must manually select to return to DirectorMonitor.

  • ATEM - Execute an command for the ATEM Mini Switch

  • ATEM Macros - Execute a macro for the ATEM Mini Switch

  • ATEM Media - Select an image from the ATEM media pool

  • Mode / Action - (May not be required for all Action Types) - Additional settings for the action to be taken or the item to be acted upon.

Named Command - The Command to be executed for the given Action Type. Name varies by Action Type

Configuration parameter - based on the Action Type and named Command an addition optional field may be available. Different parameters have different data input types like text, numbers and popup selections

Once a button is configured it can be added to the Control Board by Dragging from the Action (or ATEM, Macro or HomeKit) pane.

Once dropped the button is fixed in place.

Buttons may be reordered on both the Action Pane and the Control Board pane. The ATEM, Macro and HomeKit panes selection from the Tab Selection are non-moveable and can only be copied to the Control Board pane.

ATEM Commands Pane

Macros Pane

HomeKit Pane