Define Theme for Background and Labels
Each Event Presentations, has a theme defined that is the background and font types. Selecting “Set Theme for Background & Label” from the context menu allows changing the default appearance using the Define Theme Dialog. You can also select from the variety of predefined Themes.
The selection of colors to display on the background, a single solid color, alternatively you can select two or three colors as a gradient. To include more than a single color enable Color 2 and / or Color 3. To change the color tap on the color, select an enabled color rectangle and select from the color popup dialog. Changing the value of the Top and Bottom Tilt sliders vary the angle of the colors.
In addition to the gradient colors, an image can instead be used as the background. The image may be Scaled to Fill, Scaled to Fit, Tiled, Stretched or to Use the Original Size. For Tiled images a Scale value may be adjusted to set the size scale of the tiling.
For general purpose Labels, MultiPage and Bible Activities, a Font style may be applied. There are ten Font Styles available like Title, Quote, Bullet and Body. Each Style may be customized and selected for one of the label types. Additonally each Label Activity type can select to use a custom font configuration to be use just for that label.
Alignment - Places the text at the Center, Left and Right alignment of the label
Vertical Alignment - Places the text vertically on the Label as Center, Top and Bottom
Font Name - The Font to be used by the Label
Font Size - The size of the Font
Auto Shrink - Based on the text available, the font will automatically shrink to a smaller size if the text will exceed the space available on the label.
Font Color - The color of the Font
Background Color - Color of the label background, if enabled
Enable BG Color - Optionally the background color of the label. Disabling this will give the label a clear background.
Border Width - The width of the content’s border. 0 for no border
Border Color- the border’s color
Predefined Themes
From the Define Theme dialog, selecting the Choose Theme button displays a library of predefined themes that allows selecting from over 20 options. Each option displays the background and the preview of the different Font Styles. Tapping the Select button allows copying only the Background, only the Fonts or both the Background and Fonts unto the current Event Theme. This will replace the current values based on the selection replacing the current values. Once copied this cannot be undone.