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CrossReference is a new App from Odeon Software that enhances Bible Study and Biblical Research by placing several tools within the user’s immediate grasp. This introduction gives highlights of many of the core features that are under development. Many of the features and capabilities are subject to change and to be improved as development continues. This is a preview of coming attractions and not all features and capabilities are discussed in depth. Also note, many of the names of things are subject to change in the future, the current naming is generally descriptive but more user friendly naming will be applied in the upcoming versions.


The initial versions of CrossReference is expected to be available on iPad and iPhone. Additionally a Mac version is being considered and being included in development. There is also the possibility of expanding to other platforms over time. The App automatically synchronizes the content between devices so the content is available as the user navigates between devices. This is the primary capabilities expected in the first version of CrossReference to be release in the Second half of 2024. Beta is expected to be available in Spring of 2024.

The Cross+Reference “Study“

A Study is the core component of CrossReference and is a collection of Biblical references, from both inside and imported into the App. A Study is a set of supporting research that the user gathers to explain, re-inforce or detail a Biblical idea or principal. A Study could be the foundation ideas for a Sermon, a Chapter for a book or notes for a Group’s Bible Study or class. In can also be used to take notes while attending a class, sermon or Bible Study.

CrossReference provides a system of loading, editing and managing Studies. A variety of source references can be included in a Study and may be combined into a set of notes and supporting documents

CrossReference Study List

In addition to collecting material for notes, CrossReference allow the user to read and easily access related verses and other materials that can give immediate insight to what is being read This access is intended to help the user focus on getting an understanding and not using cumbersome tools that can be distracting and difficult to use.

APP Overview

CrossReference is designed to allow the user to quickly and effortlessly access the contents using a set of highly configurable panels. Each panel contains a specific Bible or tool that give the user content and context. In the below example, two panels are arranged side by side on an iPad. The content in each panel may be selected by the user and different user defined layouts may be saved and recalled to allow resuming a specific set of panels.

Selecting the downward facing arrow beside the Panel title allows selecting from the available panels. The a Panel type may only appear once in the Panel Layout. Additionally the Primary, Alternate and Verse selection is a Primary Panel Group, only one member of the group can be displayed at a time.

While each panel content and display type is independent most panels use the Synchronizing Verse that gives a level of interconnection that is unlike any other Bible research tool. As the Synchronization or Sync Verse is changed in one panel it can update the content or selection in another panel. This functionality of having a common “Verse in Context” changes depending on if the panel displays verses or content Each of the above panels displays a different Bible Version, Book, Chapter and Verse. This is a nice way to look at two independent scriptures

Verses may be selected by tapping on the corresponding Header or Footer buttons to display a “half height” popover panel that allows selecting Version, Book, Chapter and Verse. Once selection is complete The popover panel can be dismissed by tapping on the grayed out area above the selection buttons.

Depending on the Panel type, different selection options are available.

Some verses contain a link reference to a related verse. By tapping on the link in the Secondary Bible Panel at Exodus 1 verse 2, the verse Hebrews 11:23, automatically updates the Sync Verse to be that verse. The Primary Bible is automatically updated to display the Sync verse whenever it is updated by another panel.

If the Primary Panel select a verse row (not just the link), this will also update the Sync Verse. This will in turn update other panels types that also synchronize to the Sync Verse. Also note, the current Sync Verse is display below the Title Menu near the top of the screen.

Tapping the actual link in the Primary Bible displays the selected verses in a popup window but the Sync Verse Remains unchanged. Tapping on “Previous Button” ( Left Pointing Arrow Button) would return to previous verses if a chain of verses had been selected. Selecting the “Current Button” (Downward Pointing Arrow with the Verse Text) would update the Sync Verse to the verse displayed in the popup panel and dismiss the popup panel. Tapping the “Original Button“ (Button with an X and the original verse), just dismissing the Popup panel returning to the original verse.

Sync Verse and Primary Selected verse displayed after tapping “Current: in the Popup Panel

More than Just the Primary Bible

The Primary Bible has two additional panel types that behave in the same synchronizing way but have different layouts and capabilities. These are the same Panel types that was previously mentions as the Primary Panel Group and only one from that group may be displayed at a time.

The Alternate Version panel type displays two bible versions side by side with the verses in sync. This allows the user to read / review the same verse in two different version. The Alternate version panel is a double width panel and displays as the equivalent of two columns based on the available total number of panels. Since secondary Bible is still available in is made smaller and takes up one-third of the available width while the Alternate version panel takes up two-thirds.

Above the Alternate Panel displays as an only panel but still has two columns. More details on column Layouts is still to come.

The third and final Primary bible type is the Verse Selection. Next to the verses a different panel displays the different Options for selecting Version, Book, Chapter and Verse

This is very similar to the Verse selection above, except the panel does not dismiss and the verse content remains available for scrolling and other interactions. The is available in the iPad but may be most useful when using a single hand to access a verse on the iPhone.


Additional Panel Types

Reader Panel - This panel is similar to the Secondary Bible Panel but it displays a Chapter in continuous. Since it is Chapter based it does not have a Verse in context. It is also a double width panel and if a link is selected it updates the Sync Verse.

Multiple Bible Version Panel - This panel display the current Sync Verse in every available Bible version. Selecting a verse updates the Sync Verse Bible version.

Tagged Verses and Strings - A Tagged Verse is a verse bookmarked within a Study for future reference. This allows having a list of associated verses for the Study. This list of Tagged verses use the current Sync Bible version. Selecting the verse updates the Sync Verse to match the Tagged verse. Tagged verses also display a small bookmark icon to indicate that the verse is tagged. This icon is independent of the Bible version and displays regardless of the Bible version. The Tagged Verse can be activated using the Tagged Verse Panel, the Menu of a Bible, or in the navigation buttons at the bottom of a Bible Panel. A Tagged String a term that is found in one of the Research tools (Please see below). Selecting a Tagged string updates the appropriate search field and looks up the string. This can be helpful for quickly referencing people or places to read the description from the sources outside of the Bible. The Tagged Verses and Strings are only available within the Study they were added in.

Favorite Verses - Favorites is a list of all verse that have been marked as Favorite. Favorites are available regardless of the Study that you are in and are tied to a specific Bible version. Selecting the Favorite Verse updates the Sync Verse including the Bible Version. Favorites have an additional feature that allows overriding the assigned Bible version in Favorites and to use the Sync Bible Version. A heart displays on a favorite verse when displayed on many of the panel types. Tapping on the verse toggles opening and closing the verse content. There is also an option to open or close all Favorites.

Study Notes - Each Study contains a Note that allows writing free form text notes. Each note may contain clickable links which are automatically highlighted as the user types. While editing the link can be activated by tapping the link and then selecting the menu item to “Go To Bible Verse“. This will set the Sync Verse to the verse typed in the Note. If not editing the link is live and may simply be tapped. to activate.

Notations - Notations are separate bits of information that may be added to a Study. There are 8 different Notation Types planned in various stages of development. Notations are double width and has a list of the Notations and the details of the selected Notation. This is the primary note taking mechanism for CrossReference and is being refined for maximum capabilities. The notation may be added manually, drag / dropped or copied from the Clipboard.

  1. Bible Link Notation - a selected Bible passage within a Chapter.(See Image below).

  2. Note Notation - similar to the Study note this free form note that may include links. (See image below)

  3. Document Notation - Display documents such as PDFs, Word, etc as read only previews.

  4. Image Notation - Display an image

  5. Web Notation - CrossReference includes a full Web browser that allows saving specific web pages links. Ability to perform search, ChatGPT sessions, or any standard web page, (See image below)

  6. Audio Notation - Record and Playback Audio recordings

  7. Video Notation - Play video stored on device or streamed from the Web or YouTube.

  8. Map Notation - Using the built-in Map to see annotations and relationships for the various locations.

Bible Link Notation including reference links that will updated the Sync verse.

Note Notation with Links that update the Sync Verse.

Web Notation displaying the Blue Letter bible Home Page.

Another Web Notation displaying an image of a map.

Research Tools

In addition to the Bible reference tools additional research tools are integrated with CrossReference. These tools are linked to the Sync Verse and display content related to the verse. These tools may also be searched independently outside of the Sync Verse. These tools will be refined as a part of development and additional tools may be added over time.

Easton Dictionary

Easton's Bible Dictionary was authored by Matthew George Easton (1823-1894). When a verse is selected all words with in the verse are selected and a search is conducted to include primary words to allow referencing the Easton Dictionary content. Selecting an entry in the dictionary displays the details of the entry.

Easton Dictionary with lookup results for the selected verse.

Easton Dictionary results with the entry for “Ruth” Selected. The “X” Button will dismiss the popover. Selecting “Add Tag String“ the Context Menu, will add the Selected String as a Tag to the Tag feature for retaining reference.

After clicking on the link Matt:1:5 the verse text is displayed Back arrow will return to the previous “Ruth” entry, Down Arrow will update the Sync Verse to this verse and The “X” button will dismiss the popover.

Thompson Topics

Created in 1890 by Dr. Frank Charles Thompson. When a verse is selected all words with in the verse are selected and a search is conducted to include primary words to allow referencing the Thompson Topics content. Selecting an entry displays the details of the entry.

Thompson Topics displaying the references for the selected verse.

Thompson Topics results with the entry for “Ruth” Selected. Depending on the selection details of the links relationships to the selection may be available. The “X” Button will dismiss the popover. Selecting “Add Tag String“ the Context Menu, will add the Selected String as a Tag to the Tag feature for retaining reference.

After clicking on the link Ruth:2:7 the verse text is displayed. Back arrow will return to the previous “Ruth” entry, Down Arrow will update the Sync Verse to this verse and the “X” button will dismiss the popover.

Naves Condordance

Originally produced by Orville J. Nave. When a verse is selected all words with in the verse are selected and a search is conducted to include primary words to allow referencing content. Selecting an entry displays the details of the entry.

Nave Topical Concrordance displaying the references for the selected verse.

Naves selections may contain additional information. A list of topics for the entry may be available. The Type ➢ displays a single verse on the topic and the ⦿ indicates multiple Bible verses for the topic. Additionally, some topics may contain the Strong Reference number. In the above entry tapping on the H7327 button will display the Strongs reference page using the Blue Letter Bible as the source. See below for the resulting page display. The “X” button will dismiss the popover.

After clicking on the link Ruth:2:3 the verse text is displayed. Back arrow will return to the previous “Ruth” entry, Down Arrow will update the Sync Verse to this verse and The “X” button will return to the Main Topic Page.

After clicking on the “Goes to Bethlehem” link the available links on the topic are displayed.. Back arrow will return to the previous “Ruth” entry, Down Arrow will update the Sync Verse to this verse and The “X” button will return to the Main Topic Page.

Tapping on the Strong Reference number H7327 button from the Topic results page displayed the Strongs reference page using the Blue Letter Bible as the source.

Additional Features

Here are a few additional features - See below for additional screen shots.

  • Export and Import Studies for backing up or sharing with others.

  • On the iPad and Mac create custom layout with 1 - 5 columns each column may have an upper and lower panel for a total of 10 visible panel types. While this may be a bit cramped on the iPad it works great on the Mac or on an iPad connected to a external display that supports Stage manager.

  • Layout types may be saved to allow you to quickly switch a Study’s content to match how you wish to work with it.


Well that was a lot to cover with more to come. This is the primary capabilities expected in the first version of CrossReference to be release in the Second half of 2024. Beta is expected to be available in Spring of 2024.

If you are interested in being a Beta participant or would just like to comment or get more information please send a note using the following link -> Contact Us Link.

Beta Participants must have a iPad, iPhone or Mac to be eligible.

P.S. iPhone Screens