Action Activity


The Action Activity allows you to execute non-visual commands when the slide becomes active. Select the “+” button on the left side of the toolbar and select “Action” from the “Add Slide with Layout”. When running the Event Presentation, and the Action Slide is activated, nothing is displayed but the actions are preformed and the next “Visual Slide” becomes immediately active.

  • General Information Section

    • Select the Slide Name

    • Enabled State - Disabled Slide to not appear in the Event Presentation.

    • Lock Slide to disallow any changes.

  • Plus Button ‘+’ - Add an Action

  • Action Type - There are four Action Types

    • Commands - Basic command that may be automatically performed for the user interface (example have the preview window of the monitor select the External Monitor as the output).

    • HomeKit Commands - Turn HomeKit switches On, Off or Toggle On/Off

    • Shortcuts - Execute a short for the name entered. When executing the Shortcut app is launched. Either the shortcut must select to return to DirectorStudio or the user must manually select to return to DirectorStudio.

    • Picture in Picture - Changes the parameters of the Global PIP camera display. (see below for additional details)

    • ATEM - Execute an command for the ATEM Mini Switch (additional hardware and Pro subscription required)

    • ATEM Macros - Execute a macro for the ATEM Mini Switch (additional hardware and Pro subscription required)

    • ATEM Media - Select an image from the ATEM media pool

    • Zoom Commands - Allow performing Zoom commands to do things like joining a meeting, sharing the slide, muting audio and sharing video.

  • Commands (Name may vary based on Action Type) - The command type will vary based on the Action Type be performed.

  • Mode / Action - (May not be required for all Action Types) - Additional settings for the action to be taken or the item to be acted upon.

To delete an action swipe from left to right.

To reorder an Action, press on a row until it “lifts up” and then dragging to the desired location.

Please Note: While previewing the Event Presentation on the Slide Activity Tab, not all Actions will execute.

More on PIP

When selecting an Action that changes the PIP settings, the Global values are changed. Individual Slides may override the Global setting but the values are set for only that specific slide. This applies whether the Action is on the Control Board, An Ordered Slide or a Ad Hoc Slide.

  • PIP Active - Allows turning the PIP on, Off or toggling on / off.

  • Update PIP - This is very important. After updating the setting for the Global PIP, always call “Update PIP” to have the Camera setting applied. (This does not apply to the PIP Active value, only the settings below).

  • Camera - Depending on the iPad type, select the desired camera

  • Size - Select the PIP size, Small, Medium, Large or Full Screen

  • Location - Select one of 9 locations on the screen for the PIP location, Top left, Top Center, etc.

  • Orientation - Select the PIP shape, Landscape, Portrait or Square

  • Animation Speed - Select the speed of animation when resizing or moving the PIP. Regular (1.25 seconds), Slow (2 seconds), Fast (0.5 seconds) and None (immediate)